About the project:
A poignant tribute to the 1.5 million children killed during World War II, Mira was composed by Cecelia Margules in memory of her maternal aunt who was taken as a child from the Lodz ghetto and sent to her death in the gas chambers.

- Directed and Produced by: Daniel Finkelman
A Sparks Next Production http://www.sparksnext.com
Music and Lyrics
Cecelia Margules
Produced and Story
Chaya Greenberg
Co-Directer and Co-Producer
Aharon Orian
Executive Producers:
Chavi and Chuny Herzka - The Emerald Group
Leib Yaakov Cohen
David Orian
Local Producer
Alex Popsuyenko
Post Production
Olam Media JLM
Music Produced and mixed by
Ian Fraitor
Gaffer - Evgen Denesyuk
Key Grip - Vadim Boroda
Grips - Evgen Zaitchev, Slava Honda
Interpreter - Dmitry Gudzenko
Art: Liza Pilugina, Andrey Lopata
Casting Director - Vera Sysloparova
Wardrobe - Andrew Sviderskiy, Julia Samilyk, Alina Karabchuk
Catering - Ann Kovtun
Makeup - Helga Dobrovska, Iliya Khitraya
Helpers: Vitryak Maria, Malakhov Ruslan, Chamber Artyom, Chovganuk Rostislav, Chovganyuk Roman, Chovganuk Alex
Carlebach- Popov Vladimir
Mira - Fomenko Maria
Mira 1984 - Ryabkova Rinata
Sister- Khabibulina Rina
Brother - Feshenko Mark
Mother - Victoria Soltanova
Kovalenko Igor
Nesvit Nataliya
Usatenko Alexandra
Tovstoyat Nataliya
Flysyuk Anastaya
Petanov Yuri
Borsan Nazariy
Birchin Valentina
Polishchuk Sergey
Egor Teplyashin
Evstropova Natalia
Gladiy Galina
Kushneryk Daria
Gulyai Aleksadr
Romania Habibulin
Nezabytozovskaya Natalia
Press release:
Eng - Sandy Eller
Heb - Tal Vaknin
Special Thanks to
C. Lanzbom
Special Thanks to:
Chabad of Berdichev
Rabbi Moshe and Chana Thaler
Dudu Vocals recorded by Eyal Massage
Guitar - Nachman Dreyer
Solo Violin - Asher Laub
Travel - Berry at Crown Travel
Accounting - Avi Keller