About the project:
Lipa Schmeltzer is back again, this time singing the praises of Kosher CBD’s Focus gum in an all new Sparks Next music video titled Gevaldig.
Offering a lighthearted look at the benefits of Kosher CBD’s newest sugar-free FOCUS gum, Lipa channels his inner artist as he tries to paint a portrait of Chasidic men and boys. But Lipa finds himself hard pressed to bring his vision to life on canvas, often with very entertaining results, as he imagines his subjects atop a Brooklyn Bridge support beam and interacting with a cow in a green pasture.
- Directed by : Daniel Finkelman
- Produced and story by : Chaya Greenberg
DOP Marco Vitale
Associate Producer: Malky Goldman
Filmed at Flow Motion Studios
Also starring:
Menashe Lustig
Gera Sandler
David Mendelbaum
Sruly Green
Shulem Lipshitz
Hershy and Lazer Stein
Editor - Berry Cohen
Graphic design - Israel Touboul
Grip / AC - Dave Burdette
Gaffer - Adriatik Burdaku
PA - Elijah Rappaport
PA - Avremi Freeman
PA - Vaughn Batiste
Music Produced by -
Shmuli Berger
Original Art by Lipa Schmeltzer